LATS in 41st Annual Meeting of the ETA

LATS in 41st Annual Meeting of the ETA

LATS members, including president Gabriela Brenta, attended the 41st Annual Meeting of the ETA, held from 15 to 18 September, in Newcastle, England. Among the topics covered are: advances in thyroid hormone and thyroid cancer research; thyroid problems in gestation; thyroid cancer at different ages; selenium and thyroid disease and iodine nutrition.

I Curso de RFA para Nódulos Benignos da Tireoide do Norte-Nordeste

International Thyroid Week will be May 21-25

ALATS apoia o I Curso de RFA para Nódulos Benignos da Tireoide do Norte-Nordeste, a ser realizado no dia 22 de setembro, na cidade de Recife (PE). O objetivo do curso é atualizar os cirurgiões de cabeça e pescoço sobre o uso da RFA como alternativa a cirurgia padrão em casos selecionados. Os membros da LATS Leonardo […]

Thyroid Project New Trends 2018

Thyroid Project New Trends 2018

Launched in 2017, the Tireoide New Trends Project (TNT), in webmeetings format, has a new edition this year. The goal is to be a practical tool for online updating and recycling on the diagnosis and treatment of major thyroid diseases, through discussions with recognized experts in the various areas of thyroidology, many of them members […]