Get ready for the XVII Latin American Thyroid Society Congress in June 2019

Get ready for the XVII Latin American Thyroid Society Congress in June 2019

The XVII Latin American Thyroid Society Congress will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from June 20 to 23, 2019. Chaired by Dr. Ana Luiza Maia, with the support of Lats president, Dr. Gabriela Brenta, the Scientific Committee organized a complete program with the aim of strengthening the Latin American bonds and enabling the exchange […]

Distance Education of Thyroid Cancer

Distance Education of Thyroid Cancer

The LATS supports the Distance Course of Thyroid Cancer Update, conducted by the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of Austral University. With a multidisciplinary profile, the course aims to promote a update on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of thyroid cancer, with a multidisciplinary approach from the areas: endocrinology, molecular biology, nuclear medicine and imaging, cytology, pathology […]

2nd International Thyroid Course

2nd International Thyroid Course

Check out the complete program of the 2nd International Thyroid Course Up Date 2019 of the Oroño Group Thyroid Unit, to be held in the city of Rosario, Argentina. The course is supported by LATS and is coordinated by the Director of the LATS Executive Committee, Jose Luis Novelli. Check the schedule and make your registration:   […]

Curso Anual Internacional de Tiroides. UP DATE 2019

Curso Anual Internacional de Tiroides. UP DATE 2019

Unidad de Tiroides del Grupo Oroño Instituto Cardiovascular de Rosario Directores: Jose Luis Novelli Co-Directores: Stella Maris Batallés y Oscar Marcelo Brunás Auspicio Sociedad Latinoamericana de Tiroides (LATS) Asociación Argentina de Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello (AACCyC) Sociedad de Endocrinología, Metabolismo y Nutrición de Rosario Asociación de Diagnóstico por Imágenes y Terapia Radiante de Rosario Fundación […]