The president of LATS, Dr. Gabriela Brenta together with Dr. José Sgarbi and Dr. Claudia Pellizas, participated on past Wednesday (October 18th), in Victoria, Canada, of the first meeting of the Program Organizing Committee (POC) of the 16th International Thyroid Congress (16th ITC), to be held in 8-13th October 2020, in Xian, China.
“It is an honor to be part of this group and represent Latin America with LATS,” said the president.
In the photo, the three members of the POC from left to right are: Dr. Claudia Pellizas; the vice-president of the Thyroid Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology (SBEM), Dr. José Augusto Sgarbi and Dr. Gabriela Brenta.
The others members of the POC.