ATTENTION:The 2018 annual membership fee payment form is now available in the restricted area of the LATS website.
Keep an eye on the due date: March 31, 2018 – as of that date, the member may have their rights suspended.
See step by step to pay the annual membership fee:
- Select in the menu bar the option “Professionals > Your registration and payment“ (if you are not logged in, please enter your login and password at the top of the site).
- In the “Registration Maintenance” page in the “Obligations” section, the payment options of the annual membership fee and the subscription possibilities of the Thyroid Journal will be available.
- Once you have made your choice, click the “Pay” button.
- You will be directed to the “Payment” page.
- At the bottom of the page, in the “Payment Method” section, select the desired payment method, fill in the requested information and click on the “Make payment” button.
- That’s it, you’ll be fine with the 2018 Annual Membership Fee (LATS payment office will confirm the reported data and confirm the payment).
Attention: If there are other pending issues, such as the payment of Annual Membership Fee from previous years, these will also be listed in the “Obligations” section of the “Registration Maintenance” page. It is enough to follow the instructions mentioned above for each pending. In case of doubt with previous years pending, contact the LATS secretary.
If you do not remember the login or password, in the “Login Area” – at the top of the site – click on “Forgot password” and enter your registered email to receive the login information via e-mail.
We remind that associates with delayed annuities may have their association revoked, according to the rules of the Statutes of the Latin American Thyroid Society – Item V – Payments – Section 22.
“Any member who refuses to pay the fees or sums approved by the Executive Committee, after notification of the Secretary, may have its membership revoked.”
With the annual in progress, the associate guarantees participation in web meetings, access to the electronic journal of LATS, to differentiated values in the Latin American Thyroid Congress, among others.
Best Regards,
Ana Maria Orlandi – Secretary LATS
Helton Estrela Ramos – Treasurer LATS