Webinar: Thyroid Cancer – June 13

The first LATS Webinar of 2024 will take place on June 13th at 7 pm. The meeting will discuss important topics related to Thyroid Cancer. A registration form will be sent to all members and, if you wish to participate, you must fill out this form. The link to the Webinar will be sent by […]

LATS 2022

Dr. Fabian Pitoia, the current President of LATS presents the main achievements of our society and thanks the current executive committee, all the members of the clinical, surgical, basic, and internet and social networks’ committees (specially to @dracarolinaferraz ), to all the members who participated in our webinars and our scientific and local organizing committees […]


Vice President Nogueira Célia Regina Vice President Senior Associate Pellizas Claudia Gabriela Vice President Senior Associate Treasurer Nunes Maria Tereza Treasurer Senior Associate Padin Rubén Osvaldo Treasurer Senior Associate Secretary Califano Ines Secretary Senior Associate Fiscal Council Cunha Lucas Leite Fiscal Council Senior Associate Golbert Lenara Fiscal Council Senior Associate Medina dos Santos Luiz Roberto […]

LATS Elections: Registration for Pre-candidates

Following the rules established in our bylaws, the Electoral Committee will open the registration for pre-candidates for the following positions: President-elect (2023-2025),Secretary (2023-2027),Treasurer (2023-2027),Fiscal Council – 3 members (2023-2025),Directors of LATS – 9 members (2023-2025). Registration will be open between March, 7th to March, 14th, 2023, by the LATS website: https://associado.lats.softaliza.com.br/pre_eleicoes Note: All associates have […]