LATS Congress: Virtual Format

Dear LATS members, Unfortunately, due to the still uncontrolled COVID-19 pandemic, leading to so many uncertainties, including travel barriers between our countries and still developing vaccine programs, the LATS Executive Committee has decided to move our next LATS Congress to a virtual format. Indeed, we are all disappointed that we will not be together in-person […]
LATS 2020 Webinar Series – Registration for the 5th event released

Registration for the 5th (and last) Event of LATS 2020 Webinar Series is now open. The event will take place Today, November 16, at 7pm (GMT / UTC -3), with the theme “Molecular diagnosis in advanced Differentiated Thyroid Cancer and Medullary Thyroid Cancer” with Dr. Ana Luiza Maia (Porto Alegre, Brazil) & Dr. Fernanda Vaisman (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) […]
May 25th: World Thyroid Day

May 25th was chosen in 2008 as the World Thyroid Day dedicated to thyroid patients and to all who are committed to the study and treatment of thyroid diseases worldwide. From LATS, we encourage you to spread what this day means not only among thyroid specialists but also public health policy makers. In 2011, it […]
Bulletin from AOTA, ETA, LATS and ATA Regarding the 16 th ITC

The 16 th ITC has been postponed for now. The global spread of the COVID-19 virus continues unabated. Our sister societies, their members, and our nations are all suffering catastrophic health impacts, severe financial consequences, travel restrictions, and schedule disruptions. Moreover, we all face an uncertain future with respect to recovery from this pandemic. We […]