Vice President Nogueira Célia Regina Vice President Senior Associate Pellizas Claudia Gabriela Vice President Senior Associate Treasurer Nunes Maria Tereza Treasurer Senior Associate Padin Rubén Osvaldo Treasurer Senior Associate Secretary Califano Ines Secretary Senior Associate Fiscal Council Cunha Lucas Leite Fiscal Council Senior Associate Golbert Lenara Fiscal Council Senior Associate Medina dos Santos Luiz Roberto […]
3rd Bulletin from the 16th International Thyroid Congress (ITC)
LATS associates, We wish to share with you the 3rd. Bulletin from the 16th International Thyroid Congress (ITC) considering the tremendous worldwide impact caused by Covid-19. Third Bulletin issued by AOTA, ETA, LATS, ATA and LOC/POC Regarding the 16th ITC About the 16th ITC; The 16th ITC will be held as a virtual conference on […]
Congresso energiza especialistas na área de tireoide e preserva papel dos médicos endocrinologistas e pesquisadores como líderes nesse importante tema Dras. Gabriela Brenta, presidente do Comitê Científico do Congresso; Denise P. de Carvalho, presidente da LATS (2015/2017); e Dr. Mario Vaisman, presidente do Comitê local do Congresso, celebram o sucesso do LATS 2017 no Rio As últimas atividades do LATS […]
TODAY the 1st event of the LATS Webinar 2022 series takes place. Don’t Miss!
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